Our Services

DHA Educational Consultants’ services begin as early as freshman year and continue throughout the high school experience. Let DHA Educational Consulting guide you and your family through the different deadlines and nuances of the application process.

  • During Junior and Senior years, the college process picks up speed. We will help you make sense of the rollercoaster ride and navigate the timeline.
  • Selecting a rigorous and challenging course load is important to show to an admissions committee, but that does not mean that a student must take every AP class offered. Courses should be selected based on the student’s interests, the schedule of other activities and commitments, and personal and professional goals. DHA will help with course selection.
  • DHA will collaborate with the student to map out a timeline for the admission process. This timeline includes testing dates, ideal times to visit campuses, and actual application submissions.  For each individual client, DHA will generate a personalized list of potential colleges.
  •  There are many different components that make up an application. The personal statement and supplemental questions are integral parts of the application that  give students a platform to tell the college something important about themselves that otherwise might not appear in the application. These critical pieces provide an opportunity to create a narrative that will inform the admissions committee and perhaps even entertain, and demonstrate each applicant’s authentic voice. DHA Educational Consulting  will coach, brainstorm, and guide the student through the process in a relaxing and collaborative fashion.
  • Campus visits are an important part of the college application process. Demonstrating interest and seeing a campus up close and personal is very important on this journey. DHA Educational Consulting helps each student keep track of the different campuses they visit, supplies the student with a questionnaire to be filled out, and help the student digest the information they glean from the tours.
  • Without overwhelming the student, we will begin to discuss the college process.
  • DHA Educational Consulting will assist the student in course selection to ensure academic rigor in a frame that matches the student’s interests.
  • The student will also gain assistance and guidance in choosing activities and volunteer work that will show both community building and leadership emergence while making sure that the student enjoys the present.
  • The student will become familiarized with the different stages of the application process and will be provided with a calendar to assist in organization.
  • More and more students are taking a year off prior to matriculating full time as a first-year college student.  Colleges invite and encourage  students to take advantage of this option, whether through service learning, study abroad, or employment opportunities.  More often than not, students return from gap years more mature and independent and bring that personal growth to the college campus. Are you interested in taking a gap year but not sure what is out there?  At DHA Educational Consulting, we can guide you and find the program that is the right fit  for you.